Just Life

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

October 4

This weekend is the girl's only retreat. Part of me wants to get out of it and stay home. The other part says go so Rob can have some alone time. He doesn't really get any alone time and I think it would be good for him to have it more often.

I signed up for on-line computer classes at North Hennepin Community College. I signed up for advanced excel and intro to access. I've done the first class. The excel class wasn't that informative, but I learned a lot from the access class. Knowing access will really help me out.

Good grief, I just noticed that I'm wearing navy socks with black pants and shoes.

I'm starting to get excited about Christmas. I'm looking forward to shopping and finding the perfect gifts. I would like the house to be decorated this year, but I don't like to do the decorating or the un-decorating. I've made a couple of prototypes for Christmas cards. Last year I had Lisa, T, Elizabeth and Mom up for a weekend of crafts, baking and Christmas movies. I hope it becomes a tradition and someone does it this year. Or I guess I could do it again. I have the biggest kitchen for baking and the craft room.

I'm very sleepy today. I'm trying to work longer hours this week and next so I don't have to go to work next Friday, which is the 13th. But because I'm so sleepy now, it may be hard to stay until 4:30 or 4:45 today. I'm also supposed to go over to Jessa's after supper tonight for a visit. And tomorrow I have a dentist appointment at 7pm and then I'll be gone all weekend, so I'll probably be tired all next week too. And it will be TOM and that sometimes disrupts my sleeping habits.

My goals for this week have not been met. I'm lazy and have no will power. I need to start going to WW meetings again or maybe found out about LA WL.


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