Just Life

Thursday, September 14, 2006

It’s been a long time since I have posted and good things have happened.

I signed on with a consulting firm and they found me a position that I started on Monday. So far everything is going well. The people are really nice and laid back. The atmosphere here is so much better than at AMP. I think I’m going to really like it here. The assignment is only until January 23. I don’t know if it would be extended or not and I don’t know if I would want an extension because of the commute. I plan to save all the extra pay for down time that I may experience before I get another assignment. I’m also planning to keep my Blaine job. Rob thinks I should quick, but it’s easy and it’s easy money. And I would feel guilty quitting so soon.

I had a bike date with Joyce on Labor Day and it was so nice to get together with her. We rode about 23 miles and it was such a beautiful day. I hope we get a chance to go again before it gets too cold. I’ve also set up a recurring walking date with Pat. She has some health issues and needs to lose weight and exercise and I offered to help out by walking with her on Saturdays. It’s nice for me too. The walk is at an incredibly slow pace, but the conversation is nice and it’s nice to have another friend to talk to.

I have most of my dental work complete. I still need to find a solution for the 2 missing teeth. I was going to get dental implants at Rob and the Dr Mertansato’s urging, but the oral surgeon said I only have the bare minimum of bone and that my sinus would need to be moved. No way! I was leery about having implants anyway, but I certainly don’t want to end up with sinus issues. And it was really expensive. I don’t really want to do a bridge either because 4 teeth would need to be altered and those teeth are healthy. I guess my option will be false teeth. Not ideal, but I really want to fill the gaps. I want to be able to smile again without total embarrassment. In fact outside of the house, I rarely smile, because I’m too embarrassed.

Rob may go hiking with Jon. I hope he does. It would be good for him to get out with other people and do something physically active. We both need to do that. We’re home bodies and that’s OK, but we need to be a bit more social.

Speaking of being more social…I’m hoping to plan a lunch with my old DQ co-workers. I’m working only a few blocks away. I’m not sure if everyone is still there, but I would guess that Teri and Paula are for sure. Kim may have left because of the drive and her RA.

Exciting news, we bought a new bed with a leather padded headboard. Love it! And a new mattress. Rob set everything up last night. The mattress will probably take some getting used to. It’s nice to have a new bed though. Our old bed and mattress were awful.

I also bought a spin bike. It came yesterday, but it needs to be put together. I will probably do that this weekend, unless Rob gets it done for me tonight. I’m going to quit the club and use the spin bike and the weight bench we have at home. I also want to go back to Weight Watchers. I counted points for a couple weeks again, but I haven’t been counting this week.

And finally, Rob bought an apple laptop. He is in love with it. I’m glad I found a job so he could get it. I know he really wanted it.

I would like to paint the basement and our bedroom now. I think I could paint the bedroom and bathroom, but I might want to hire someone for the basement. I want to paint the basement a deep orange, but Rob is against it. I want to paint one bedroom wall a silvery blue color. I think it would look great against the dark wood and leather we have. The other walls I think I would just paint a cream color. I think Rob is against my bedroom color choices too.

To sum up, I feel good having a job again, but I do sort of miss being off. I feel bad about my weight and exercise. I will start working on that next week. Trying to get up earlier and spinning, and planning meals for work and for home.


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